URSA MINI PRO @ Calverton
I decided to bring the Ursa Mini PRO to Calverton shooting range this past Sunday to get some footage in a bunch of different resolutions and frame rates to see what the camera is capable of. After seeing how much Cfast cards cost I decided to opt for the Cfast to sata breakout cable. I recorded 4.6K and ultra HD 60fps onto a Sandisk Ultra II which worked great and didn't drop any frames. The Ursa Mini Pro has a lot of different settings for shooting. I shot everything in either Prores 444 or HQ.
After getting shots of my girlfriend shooting the AR-15 and .22 Mossberg, my buddy Burgess got to fire one of the Range officer's 50 Cal rifle. After that I started to get a lot of attention from the range marshals for having such a big camera, one of whom notified the property owner who asked me to stop recording and to put it away. My fault for not getting permission upfront considering how firearms are a touchy subject nowadays. Still, I got some great footage even though I was cut short and had an awesome time with some good folk.
I will try RAW in the coming weeks to develop a faster workflow than what I am used to for the BMPC4K. I'm interested in seeing the turnaround time using the round trip method with Davinci Resolve; But for now, Premiere is still my preferred cut/color solution.