45 min timelapse of the 2017 eclipse taken with a Canon 6D and 300mm lens

45 min timelapse of the 2017 eclipse taken with a Canon 6D and 300mm lens

On Wednesday, I made a quick setup to capture the solar eclipse happening later afternoon.  I didn't have proper filters to shoot the sun, so I went to Dick's Sporting Goods and bought an emergency thermal blanket to sub as a makeshift solar filter. I cut up the blanket and taped it to a clear piece of 12" acrylic. I used a Canon 6D with a 300mm lens and a c-stand to securely hold the filter, then took some test shots. Shooting through the blanket gave decent results but were a bit blurry.
On my way back to my desk I noticed a welding mask in the shop. I figured the clarity of the glass was a better solution. Instead of taking a couple of stills I loaded Magic Lantern on the camera and setup the built-in intervalometer to snap every 2 seconds. Without a tracker I had to manually move the camera every 15 minutes to keep the sun in the frame. Overall, I was impressed with results given it wasn't a total eclipse. You can even make out some sun spots, pretty cool!

eclipse setup