My Vision for Financial Service Content
In the world of financial services, creating content can be a fun and exciting way to reach new clients and engage with existing ones. However, with the strict guidelines set by FINRA and the SEC, it can also be a challenging endeavor — and I’ve learned a lot navigating the landscape while staying creative and engaging.
One of the biggest challenges when creating video content for in the financial world is finding the right balance between creativity and compliance. While it may be tempting to push the boundaries and try something new and exciting, it's important to remember that any content that violates FINRA or SEC guidelines could result in severe consequences. Which is why it’s essential to have a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations before any production. Once you have a solid understanding of the guidelines, it's time to get creative. The key is to focus on the story you want to tell and find unique ways to present it within the boundaries of compliance. One way to do this is to use storytelling to make complex financial concepts more accessible and relatable to your audience. By using metaphors, analogies, and real-world examples, you can help your clients understand these concepts in a way that feels approachable and easy to digest.
I produced this Information Security web series that took a creative & humoristic approach in educating its audience.
In addition to creating engaging video, it's also important to market and strategize advisor brands to reach and engage new clients. This involves understanding your target audience and finding creative ways to reach them. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can be effective tools for building brand awareness and driving engagement. By creating a consistent brand message across all of your social media channels, you can establish yourself as an authority and attract new clients.
My vision is a new financial frontier of literacy and enlightenment to both professionals and investors alike.