Many Stories

I shot and edited new commercials for Pure Dental and the flagship Four Ever Smile™ procedure that will air this summer. Two patients volunteered to go on camera to discuss the process of getting their same day, 3D printed teeth and what life was like putting off their dental health for so long.

Every month I shoot a few testimonials for patients who’ve gotten the Four Ever Smile™ procedure. This is a breakthrough process innovated by Dr. Keith Vibert, where you’ll get a whole new set of 3D printed teeth the same day your teeth are removed. It’s an amazing, life-changing process that’s been performed for thousands of people. To demonstrate how amazing it is, we’re keen on updating commercials and ads every few months to keep our stories fresh and inspiring.

Recently, I had the opportunity to shoot with Samantha, one of the most vivacious and positive people I’ve ever met. She has been running a daycare for children in need for the past 10 years and has dedicated her life selflessly to helping others.
Rocco, an 82-year-old Marine veteran and the longest-serving firefighter in Commack’s fire department, also has a remarkable story. He waited decades to fix his teeth, despite his family’s persistent encouragement. Like Samantha, Rocco is selfless, humble, and reserved about his own struggles. These interviews are a constant reminder not to take things at face value. They’re another reason why I love what I do—hearing diverse stories from all walks of life and witnessing their perseverance.

Both commercials will be broadcast on cable, streaming on Hulu, Disney, and Youtube starting July of this year.

commack fire department

On location shooting means working with what you got. Rigged lights to stairs because of broken c-stands